Katie P Garner, Artist

Hi, my name is Katie Garner and I’m excited to share my work with you.

I’ve spent a good portion of my life making art but it wasn’t until about 8 years ago that I really began the work of finding my voice.

I studied art at WSU where I got a BFA in oil painting. Those were some heady years! Being surrounded by other young artists and having the studio space to make enormous paintings was intoxicating. I couldn’t imagine myself doing something that didn’t include art in some way.

Being a practical soul, however, I took some computer animation courses as well as some in graphic design and coding. So as time passed and I moved on from college into the workforce, I eventually found myself working across the state at UW designing, coding and maintaining web sites for the Evans School of Public Affairs.

Needless to say, leaving college left me without a well ventilated space to paint with oils and as my artist needs were being satisfied designing things for other people that was ok for a time.

Then came kids and I Ieft that job for one taking care of mine full time. It was wonderful but also, stifling in some ways. I lost my work peers and my ability to do a thing and see it finished, receive praise and move on to the next goal. Instead, I spent years wiping noses and bottoms and loving my kids while loosing a piece of myself a little at a time until even I didn’t know those pieces where gone.

I recall, vividly, walking home listening to Brene Brown’s “Daring Greatly” and realizing that it wasn’t the lack of ventilation or the kids that had kept me from art - but my own fears of failure and worries about being perfect.

This was earth-shattering for me in the best way! I picked up acrylics and tried to make friends with them as an easier choice for the life I led at the time. It took some time, and a lot of experimentation to get to this point, but I’m finally able to make paintings that I truly enjoy creating.

I hope you find something in my work that speaks to you. Thank you for taking the time to visit my site.

About me…